

Advice Chase Schwarzwalter, Marketing Director Advice Chase Schwarzwalter, Marketing Director

Your Digital Detox Guide

Feeling overworked, burnt-out, anxious, worried, or disconnected? 

Life in the digital age can be pretty great. Our electronic devices provide convenience, connection, and excitement. But sometimes the always-on, always-connected lifestyle of the 21st century can be draining. 

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Advice Chase Schwarzwalter, Marketing Director Advice Chase Schwarzwalter, Marketing Director

Digital Detox: Disconnecting to Reconnect

This past weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend 2 nights camping on California’s central coast. I’d been looking forward to a relaxing Easter weekend doing something outside of the normal hustle and bustle that usually surrounds a major holiday. Upon reaching our destination, we set up camp, ran to the store for a few supplies, and then I embarked on a 48-hour digital detox.

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