

Advice Chase Schwarzwalter, Marketing Director Advice Chase Schwarzwalter, Marketing Director

Your Digital Detox Guide

Feeling overworked, burnt-out, anxious, worried, or disconnected? 

Life in the digital age can be pretty great. Our electronic devices provide convenience, connection, and excitement. But sometimes the always-on, always-connected lifestyle of the 21st century can be draining. 

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Inspirational, Addiction Stacey B. Thacker, MA, LMFT Inspirational, Addiction Stacey B. Thacker, MA, LMFT

The Last of the Human Freedoms

Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) was a neurologist and psychiatrist from Austria who survived the horrors of the Holocaust. In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning he writes of his experience in a  concentration camp in Auschwitz where he would be witness to most degrading of human behavior. There he would lose his mother, brother and his wife Tilly.

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