Memory and Addiction to Porn

a person looking at their laptop with an external hard drive plugged in

The impact of pornography on the brain is a topic of growing interest and concern. Emerging research has shed light on how this process addiction affects cognitive functions, particularly working memory—the brain's ability to hold and manipulate information for tasks such as problem-solving and decision-making. Understanding the relationship between pornography use and cognitive impairments can provide valuable insights for mental health professionals and individuals struggling with addiction. Let's explore some of the key findings from recent studies and their implications for both the brain and behavior.


Developing research on the effect of pornography on the brain has given us insight into some of the whys and hows of this process of addiction. One study focused on porn use and the brain's working memory (the part of the brain that keeps information in the mind while using it to complete a task), which is crucial for understanding, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. reported the following about a study that concluded that sexual arousal interfered with executive functioning (working memory): “ German researchers asked 28 men — all heterosexual, and averaging 26 years of age — to look at a number of computer images. Some images were pornographic and some were nonsexual. The nonsexual images included pictures of people doing a number of activities, such as laughing, playing sports or carrying a weapon.” (1)

“As the volunteers viewed the pictures, they touched a "yes" or "no" key to indicate whether or not the picture they were seeing was the same as one they had seen four slides previously. The men logged a significantly greater number of incorrect answers when they viewed the porn than when they saw the nonsexual images. On average, they answered correctly 67 percent of the time when they viewed pornographic pictures but 80 percent of the time when they saw nonsexual pictures.“ (1)

The research is a piece of the puzzle that could help mental health professionals and loved ones of those dealing with addiction understand why some people with porn addiction (particularly, internet porn) will forget to sleep, will miss appointments, will evade and dodge big responsibilities, or neglect or reject important relationships. (1)

How else is Porn use and Memory linked?

When we talk about powerful visual stimulation, we are talking about something that swallows up the attention of the viewer, often to the detriment of everything else. This dynamic occurs due to the release of neurochemicals that are connected to pleasure and reward in the brain. The more one engages with porn, the more this natural and healthy system is disrupted. (2)

Internet porn is high intensity and typically unlimited. Some neuroscientists refer to it as “superstimulus”, and repeated exposure re-routes attention from other cognitive tasks (tasks such as making memories and retrieving memories). When the brain is subjected to this treatment, the resources in the brain are overloaded, and memory formation can be undermined and sabotaged. (2)

A common experience with prolonged porn usage is emotional guilt, shame, and angst, which mirror the cognitive impairments that are experienced in anxiety and depression. The habit can be hard to identify over time as daily activities and responsibilities are replaced with viewing porn, and primary attention is diverted to seeking out this content. (2)

Is All Lost?

The effects of porn on memory are real, but the negative effects of exposing yourself to this are not forever in most cases. The brain has a wonderful ability to revise the effects of porn as you separate yourself from that lifestyle. Maybe you have tried to stop, but find you keep slipping into bouts of viewing porn. You are not alone. 

The Life Star program at Roubicek and Thacker Counseling offers connection with people who know what you are dealing with and support to be freed from repeatedly slipping back into this hurtful habit. Please reach out, and see if the Life Star program is the right thing for you. You have more power over this than you realize.

Roubicek & Thacker Counseling is Fresno’s premier provider of individual, couples, family, and group therapy. We offer in-person and online remote therapy sessions. Contact us today to change the way you feel.


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