Letting Go Of Things Outside Your Control

a person throwing a bunch of flowers in the air

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often find ourselves grappling with situations beyond our control. The pursuit of control over every aspect of our existence can lead to unnecessary stress, anxiety, and frustration. Understanding the importance of letting go and embracing the uncontrollable can significantly improve our mental well-being and personal growth.

Understanding Control

Control is a fundamental aspect of our lives. It gives us a sense of security and predictability. However, it is crucial to distinguish between what we can and cannot control. Internal control refers to our thoughts, actions, and emotions. These are aspects we can influence directly. On the other hand, external control encompasses events, other people's actions, and outcomes, which are often beyond our influence.

Consider the workplace. You can control your effort, attitude, and how you respond to challenges. However, you cannot control your colleague's behavior, the company's policies, or market conditions. Similarly, in personal relationships, you can control your actions and responses, but not the actions or feelings of others.

The Illusion of Control

The illusion of control is a psychological concept where individuals overestimate their ability to control events. This tendency can lead to heightened stress and anxiety. We often find ourselves thinking, "If only I could have done something differently," or "Why can't they see things my way?" These thoughts, although natural, can be detrimental.

Trying to control the uncontrollable can create a vicious cycle. The more we try to exert control, the more we realize how little control we actually have, leading to feelings of helplessness and frustration. For example, trying to change a partner's fundamental traits or micromanaging every aspect of a project can result in burnout and strained relationships.

Benefits of Letting Go

Embracing the concept of letting go can bring profound benefits to our mental and emotional well-being. When we stop trying to control everything, we reduce our stress levels and allow ourselves to focus on what truly matters.

Mental Health Benefits: Letting go helps in reducing anxiety and stress. It allows us to focus on the present moment rather than worrying about future uncertainties or past mistakes. This shift in focus can lead to improved emotional well-being.

Personal Growth: Accepting that some things are beyond our control enhances our resilience. It makes us more adaptable and better equipped to handle life's challenges. We learn to focus on our actions and responses, which we can control, fostering a sense of empowerment.

Relationship Improvements: Letting go can lead to healthier relationships. It helps in setting realistic expectations and understanding that we cannot change others. This understanding fosters acceptance and strengthens our connections with others.

Ultimately, letting go of what we cannot control allows us to live more fully and authentically, paving the way for a more balanced and harmonious life.

Strategies for Letting Go

While the idea of letting go sounds appealing, it can be challenging to put into practice. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness involves staying present and fully engaging with the current moment. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and grounding techniques can help in cultivating mindfulness. These practices encourage us to focus on our thoughts and feelings without judgment, promoting acceptance.

2. Cognitive Techniques

Cognitive reframing involves changing the way we perceive a situation. Instead of seeing a challenging situation as a failure, we can view it as an opportunity for growth. Challenging negative thoughts and practicing acceptance can also be effective. For instance, acknowledging that we cannot control everything and that it's okay can be liberating.

3. Behavioral Approaches

Setting boundaries is crucial in letting go. It involves recognizing our limits and not overextending ourselves. Focusing on controllable actions, such as how we respond to a situation, and developing healthy routines can also be beneficial. For example, rather than trying to change a colleague's behavior, we can focus on how we react to it.

4. Self-Compassion

Being kind to ourselves is vital when dealing with uncontrollable situations. Self-compassion involves treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we would offer to a friend. It helps in fostering a positive self-image and reducing self-criticism.

By incorporating these strategies into our daily lives, we can gradually learn to release the need for control and embrace a more peaceful, fulfilling existence.

Real-Life Applications

Applying these strategies in real-life scenarios can make a significant difference.

Workplace Scenarios

In a professional setting, it’s common to face situations beyond our control, such as company restructuring or changes in market conditions. Instead of stressing over these uncontrollable factors, focus on what you can do. Improve your skills, maintain a positive attitude, and be adaptable to change.

Personal Relationships

In relationships, trying to control your partner’s actions or feelings can lead to conflict. Instead, focus on your actions and how you communicate. Accepting that each person is different and has their own perspectives can foster mutual respect and understanding.

Life Events

Life is full of unexpected changes, such as losing a loved one or facing health issues. These events are often beyond our control. Practicing acceptance and focusing on what we can do in the moment can help in coping with such situations. Seeking support from loved ones or professionals can also be beneficial.

By applying these approaches to various aspects of our lives, we can build resilience and find a sense of peace even amidst uncertainty.

Tools and Resources

Several resources can assist in the journey of letting go.

Books and Articles: Numerous books and articles offer insights into acceptance and mindfulness. Titles such as "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and "Radical Acceptance" by Tara Brach are excellent starting points.

Apps and Online Resources: Technology offers various tools to aid in mindfulness and stress management. Apps like Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer provide guided meditations and mindfulness exercises.

Support Systems: Therapy and support groups can provide a safe space to explore and understand our need for control. Engaging with communities that share similar experiences can also offer comfort and guidance.


Letting go of things outside your control is a journey toward peace and fulfillment. By understanding the difference between what we can and cannot control, and by practicing mindfulness, cognitive reframing, and self-compassion, we can improve our mental and emotional well-being. Embrace the present moment, focus on your actions, and remember that true strength lies in acceptance. Start your journey today by practicing these strategies, and you will find a more peaceful and fulfilling life awaits you. 

If you find you are still struggling to let go of the things you cannot control, give us a call at Roubicek and Thacker Counseling. Together we can work to remove the blocks that keep you from moving forward.

Roubicek & Thacker Counseling is Fresno’s premier provider of individual, couples, family, and group therapy. We offer in-person and online remote therapy sessions. Contact us today to change the way you feel.


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