5 Mistakes People Experiencing Depression Often Make

Feeling sad, unmotivated and irritable can be normal emotions to life's stressors but when these symptoms persist over time you may have depression. Depressive symptoms vary but usually have similar characteristics of persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, sleep, appetite and weight decrease or increase, lack of focus, feeling like crying often, apathy, irritability, hopelessness and mood swings. These symptoms can lead to thoughts of suicide. Many experiencing depression make the following mistakes that hopefully can be learned from and growth can happen in the midst of them.

Five mistakes people experiencing depression often make:

  1. Not being self-aware or educated in mental health terms and do not recognize their symptoms are of depression.

    They may think that what they are feeling and experiencing is normal and may feel accustomed to their feelings. Mental Health Literacy and Awareness is very important to the treatment and recovery of depression.

  2. Put on a mask that they are fine.

    People with depression often listen to the lies of depression. They forget that it is okay to feel depressed or won’t give themselves permission to feel it. Negative mental health stigma can influence one’s own belief system that having these feelings somehow make you weak or should not be allowed much less talked about and help asked for. Some people inaccurately believe showing strength and being strong means not allowing oneself to have emotions of depression or anxiety and pushing through shows strength. There is strength in weakness and your weakness makes you stronger.

  3. Rely on self medicating

    People with depression often rely on self medicating to self soothe and to numb their feelings through substance abuse with alcohol and drugs, caffeine use and emotional eating by binging or comfort eating among other things. Healthy Moderation is Important.

  4. Isolate and withdraw from activities, family and friends.

    They may possibly feel unmotivated and stop doing regular activities they once did using more and more excuses to cancel plans. Getting out, exercising, eating properly and getting enough sleep are some helpful coping skills to help decrease depression.

  5. Neglect their self-care and wait too long to seek professional help with a therapist.

    When they do ask for help their symptoms can be severe and functioning impaired and safety a concern. Asking for help and having a support system of family, friends and professionals is very important for the mental and emotional well being of one experiencing depressive symptoms.

If you are having symptoms of depression please reach out and contract one of our trusted professional therapists.

Roubicek & Thacker Counseling is Fresno’s premier provider of individual, couples, family, and group therapy. We offer in-person and online remote therapy sessions. Contact us today to change the way you feel.


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Not Normal (VIDEO)