Self-Esteem Counseling


How do you see yourself?

Self-esteem governs your life in obvious and not-so-obvious ways, but there’s no getting around the fact that it greatly affects how you make your way through your world. It is important to work on self-esteem building so that you can find the satisfaction in life you are looking for. Self-esteem therapy can help do this.

Symptoms of Low Self-Esteem

Maybe you avoid going out with friends or meeting new people. You feel stuck in your career but too afraid to apply for that big promotion.

Reaching out to others can feel daunting, making it a struggle to form new relationships and/or maintain old ones. You might feel hesitant to reach out to your family and friends because you feel ashamed that you have nothing new and exciting to report.

Putting yourself out there in the dating world can feel frightening. When you struggle with a low self-esteem, you work extra hard to gain validation from others. This leads you to lose sight of what you really want and need from a partner.

Common symptoms of low self-esteem include:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Body image issues

  • Ruminating on negative thoughts

  • Feeling not good enough or worthless

  • Self-Consciousness

  • Over-sensitivity to criticism

  • Loneliness

  • Discounting success

  • Isolation


Even when the people around you offer their reassurance, you still feel empty. You don’t quite trust it, you don’t quite believe it.

So why do these thoughts still linger? Regardless of where self-esteem issues come from, the fact is that the way you think drives the way you feel.

Treatment for Low Self-Esteem

You don’t have to struggle through life with low self-esteem and be paralyzed by a low self-opinion. You can learn to feel better about who you are. If you decide that therapy is right for you, we can help you understand where the negativity comes from and provide you with concrete skills that allow you to view yourself in a more positive light.

Oftentimes our negative opinions of ourselves come from feedback and criticisms we received from others throughout our life. Therefore, the inner critic is not completely your own voice. In our sessions, we will work to find the root cause of your struggle with self-esteem. We will help you figure out the different “voices” you are hearing and learn to find your voice. You will also learn tools to help with self-esteem building. We will work together to help your inner-dialogue be one that is more encouraging and positive.